Most Recently Updated Nonprofits
Nomi NetworkUPDATED in FY2022
Diana Mao
New York, NY
30 staff, 25 volunteers
Mission | To end human trafficking by creating pathways to safe employment, empowering women and girls to break cycles of slavery in their families and communities |
Topic | Human trafficking |
Nation(s) | Cambodia, India, United States |
Budget | $2,789,730 |
Hope Africa CollectiveUPDATED in FY2020
Terry Hilliard
Kalispell, MT
21 staff, 8 volunteers
Mission | To bring transformative solutions to poverty through holistic life development, equipping individuals to build better lives for themselves, their families, and their communities through the empowerment of Christ |
Topic | Community Development |
Nation(s) | South Africa |
Budget | $383,359 |
South Coast Botanic Garden FoundationUPDATED in FY2020
Adrienne Nakashima
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA
20 staff, 167 volunteers
Mission | To serve the community by providing a unique horticultural and wildlife habitat experience, and to represent a model of excellence for land reclamation and sustainability |
Topic | Environment |
Nation(s) | United States |
Budget | $2,665,763 |
Step DenverUPDATED in FY2020
Paul Scudo
Denver, CO
19 staff, 0 volunteers
Mission | To be a residential recovery program that helps low-income and homeless men overcome the consequences of addiction and rebuild their lives through sobriety, work and accountability |
Topic | Rehabilitation/Rescue Mission |
Nation(s) | United States |
Budget | $1,632,735 |
The God of Hope MinistriesUPDATED in FY2023
Robert Dorrough
Austin, TX
4 staff, 171 volunteers
Mission | To equip prison inmates through biblical discipleship for a life of hope and freedom in Jesus Christ |
Topic | Discipleship |
Nation(s) | United States |
Budget | $235,040 |
Global Teen ChallengeUPDATED in FY2021
Steve Trader
Columbus, GA
22 staff, 2 volunteers
Mission | To assist in the development and implementation of Teen Challenge programs worldwide. Affiliates provide youth, adults, and families with effective and comprehensive Christian, faith-based solutions to life-controlling drug and alcohol problems in order to become productive contributing members of society. |
Topic | Leadership Training |
Nation(s) | 135 |
Budget | $7,689,879 |
Austin Disaster Relief NetworkUPDATED in FY2023
Dwight Bailey Jr.
Austin, TX
79 staff, 1,144 volunteers
Mission | To glorify Christ by equipping, empowering, and mobilizing the Church of Greater Austin to shepherd those affected by disaster and meet their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs |
Topic | Disaster Relief |
Nation(s) | United States |
Budget | $6,659,548 |
The Barnabas CenterUPDATED in FY2021
Jeremy White
Charlotte, NC
20 staff, 40 volunteers
Mission | To change lives and communities with the hope of the Gospel by meeting people in their struggles through counseling, teaching, and training ministries |
Topic | Counseling |
Nation(s) | United States |
Budget | $1,838,491 |
Nathaniel’s HopeUPDATED in FY2020
Marie Kuck
Orlando, FL
15 staff, 7,700 volunteers
Mission | Nathaniel's Hope: To celebrate kids with special needs (our VIPs) as well as educating and equipping communities and churches to provide programs and assistance for VIP families. TCCI: To share the love of God with those who know Him not and with those who want to know Him more |
Topic | Disabilities |
Nation(s) | 6 |
Budget | $914,239 |
Halo House FoundationUPDATED in FY2020
Kristen O. Stubbs
Houston, TX
4 staff, 100 volunteers
Mission | To make life easier for patients battling blood cancers - leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma |
Topic | Support Services |
Nation(s) | United States |
Budget | $894,946 |