The Traveling Team 2020 logo
Led by
Claude Hickman
HQ in
Conway, AR

Effectiveness & Efficiency info

What is the impact?
11,998 students committed to being a "Goer" or a "Sender" in 2017-2019, with 4,497 students paired with mission sending agencies, and spoke to 39,164 students
Growth in last 3 years?
46% Decline in clients served
How is money spent?
$1,208,886 spent last fiscal year to serve 13,336 students, with fluctuations in the number served dependent on what region of the country are mobilizing
Is fundraising efficient?
12¢ spent to raise $1 from 1,644 donors

Leadership & Focus info

26 staff + 0 volunteers + board of 5
To mobilize Christians at universities and local churches to become Global Christians who fulfill their responsibility in World Evangelization. We travel to universities and churches all over the world to educate and equip them for involvement in God's global mission
Bible/Theology Education, Evangelism, Technical Assistance, Leadership Training
People Served
College Students, Other Organizations/Ministries, Unevangelized
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