The Mailbox Club 2022 logo
Led by
John Mark Eager
HQ in
Valdosta, GA

Effectiveness & Efficiency info

What is the impact?
In 2021, more than 7.3 million students, mostly children were enrolled in our Bible courses in 95 nations; of those students, 3.7 million indicated making salvation decisions. 64 million Bible lessons were printed in 2021 and our lessons are translated into over 100 languages. All glory to God!
Growth in last 3 years?
89% Growth in clients served
How is money spent?
$4,456,635 spent last fiscal year to serve 7,300,063 students
Is fundraising efficient?
8¢ spent to raise $1 from 1,310 donors

Leadership & Focus info

98 staff + 621,824 volunteers + board of 7
To win the children and young people of the world to Christ and help nurture them into spiritual maturity through Bible courses and into local churches
Evangelism, Media/Publishing, Bible/Theology Education, Bible Translation/Distribution, Leadership Training, Discipleship
People Served
Children, Youth, Believers, Unevangelized, Church Leaders
8 (view list)

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  • Members can purchase Evaluations. Excellence in Giving uses the most recent Analytics to assess the strengths & weaknesses of a nonprofit’s strategy, leadership, finances, and impact in a 1-page report (completed in 10 business days if not instantly available).