Effectiveness & Efficiency
What is the impact? | 7,304 churches planted, 9,588 individuals trained through Bridges For Neighbors, and 3,729 women reached with Bridges For Women Trainings in 2019 |
Growth in last 3 years? | 33% Decline in clients served |
How is money spent? | $1,630,550 spent last fiscal year to serve 19,105 people |
Is fundraising efficient? | 14¢ spent to raise $1 from 362 donors |
Leadership & Focus
Team | 13 staff + 1 volunteer + board of 7 |
Mission | To equip and train indigenous, local and regional partner organizations worldwide to communicate the Scriptures using Oral Bible strategies in order to evangelize, disciple and plant churches among unreached and unengaged people groups |
Topic(s) | Bible/Theology Education, Church Planting, Discipleship |
People Served | Church Leaders, Illiterate, Unevangelized, Unreached People Groups, Missionaries |
Location(s) | 7 (view list) |
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