Partners Relief & Development 2022 logo
Led by
Steve Gumaer
HQ in
Ada, MI

Effectiveness & Efficiency info

What is the impact?
36,907 people in Yemen experienced improved wellbeing through support including food parcels, education support, and other essential supplies in 2021. 9,780 children in Myanmar had access to education in 2021 through community-owned businesses supported by Partners Relief & Development
Growth in last 3 years?
0% Growth in clients served
How is money spent?
$4,232,468 spent last fiscal year to serve 345,435 people
Is fundraising efficient?
6¢ spent to raise $1 from 1,488 donors

Leadership & Focus info

57 staff + 2 volunteers + board of 7
To establish free, full lives for children affected by conflict and oppression; to ensure children and communities affected by conflict and oppression are safe, healthy, and have access to education
Agricultural Development, Community Development, Disaster Relief, Education, Emergency Assistance, Food Provision, Healthcare, Water Provision/Purification
People Served
Children, Disaster/War Victims, Rural Poor, Sick People
8 (view list)



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