NewDay 2019 logo
Led by
Dr. John Gremmels
HQ in
Fort Worth, TX

Effectiveness & Efficiency info

What is the impact?
72% of 1,070 mothers showed improvement in categories such as "Ability to remain in control in stressful situations" after completing NewDay's parenting program. 44.6% of 1,331 fathers showed improvement in categories such as "Ability to respond calmly to conflict with the child's mother" after completing NewDay's parenting program
Growth in last 3 years?
47% Decline in clients served
How is money spent?
$1,298,835 spent last fiscal year to serve 5,707 parents of children in the foster care system
Is fundraising efficient?
7¢ spent to raise $1 from 432 donors

Leadership & Focus info

43 staff + 10 volunteers + board of 10
To help parents be parents so kids can be kids. To walk alongside parents, through classes and coaching, on their journey to becoming the loving, engaged role models their children need
Chaplaincy, Relationship Coaching, Character Development, Community Development, Domestic Violence, Reconciliation
People Served
Abused, Children, Families/Married Couples, Men, Parents, Prisoners, Single Parents, Women, Youth
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