New Horizons House 2022 logo
Led by
Jonathan Spencer
HQ in
Littleton, CO

Effectiveness & Efficiency info

What is the impact?
48 girls are cared for at two residential facilities through a holistic program designed to nourish the girls' physical, emotional and spiritual well-being, allowing them not simply to survive the past but to thrive with a renewed sense of dignity and purpose
Growth in last 3 years?
1100% Growth in clients served
How is money spent?
$210,122 spent last fiscal year to serve 48 girls in full-time residence at NHH's homes
Is fundraising efficient?
0¢ spent to raise $1 from 158 donors

Leadership & Focus info

45 staff + 5 volunteers + board of 8
To provide holistic restoration to survivors of sex trafficking and abuse and empower them to re-enter mainstream society with dignity and hope
Human trafficking, Rehabilitation/Rescue Mission, Healthcare, Education, Vocational Training
People Served
Abused, Youth, College Students
1 (view list)



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