Mission Agape 2022 logo
Led by
Stacy Baccus
HQ in
Midland, TX

Effectiveness & Efficiency info

What is the impact?
6,000 families were served through the Outer County Outreach, 1,200 students were helped through the Weekend Food Program, and 1,100 students were assisted through the School Supply Event in 2022
Growth in last 3 years?
244% Growth in clients served
How is money spent?
$589,335 spent last fiscal year to serve 11,135 students and families
Is fundraising efficient?
2¢ spent to raise $1 from 243 donors

Leadership & Focus info

4 staff + 450 volunteers + board of 8
Mission Agape is devoted to demonstrating God's love on earth. It is our mission to love people, meet their needs, and build lasting relationships. We follow God's leading, give of His resources, and share His love. The result of this effort is that people are drawn closer to God and lives are changed.
Food Provision, Emergency Assistance
People Served
Children, Families, Malnourished
1 (view list)



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