Launch Global 2022 logo
Led by
Brian Zaas
HQ in
Dallas, TX

Effectiveness & Efficiency info

What is the impact?
3 documented church planting movements started among UPGs, trained and sent laborers to over 50 countries since 2005, and LG-trained missionaries are 50% more likely to stay in the field than those without similar training
Growth in last 3 years?
0% Growth. (A note from Launch Global: "While the number of clients in 2019-2022 indicate a leveling off of growth, we have actually seen a steady increase in the number of long-term workers sent to plant churches overseas. Our selection processes and training efficiencies have been refined over the last couple of years, ultimately leading to fewer people being trained, but more people going.")
How is money spent?
$10,064,979 spent last fiscal year to serve 679 missionaries
Is fundraising efficient?
4¢ spent to raise $1 from 7,067 donors

Leadership & Focus info

123 staff + 20 volunteers + board of 5
To mobilize healthy churches to develop laborers and leaders who multiply churches among unreached people groups
Leadership Training, Discipleship, Evangelism, Church Planting
People Served
Missionaries, Church Leaders, Other Organizations/Ministries, Unreached People Groups, Unevangelized
4 (view list)



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