Gloria Deo Academy 2022 logo
Led by
Joy Davis
HQ in
Springfield, MO

Effectiveness & Efficiency info

What is the impact?
24.8 average ACT score of students compared to the national average of 20.3, with the 35 graduates from 2020-2022 each receiving an average of $59,598 in scholarship offers versus the $13,690 national average
Growth in last 3 years?
86% Growth in clients served
How is money spent?
$1,910,625 spent last fiscal year to serve 650 students
Is fundraising efficient?
4¢ spent to raise $1 from 169 donors

Leadership & Focus info

25 staff + 334 volunteers + board of 9
To partner with parents to educate students in a historic biblical worldview through a rigorous classical curriculum. The goal of GDA is to develop ethical and wise individuals who will impact their community for the glory of God through service, leadership, and character.
Education, Bible/Theology Education, Character Development
People Served
Children, Youth, Parents
1 (view list)



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