Food for the Hungry 2022 logo
Led by
Mark Viso
HQ in
Phoenix, AZ

Effectiveness & Efficiency info

What is the impact?
3,466 communities were assisted through development projects and 65% of households participating in savings groups met their immediate needs or invested in income-generating activities in FY 2023
Growth in last 3 years?
139% Growth in clients served
How is money spent?
$161,655,579 spent last fiscal year to serve 4,307,408 households
Is fundraising efficient?
15¢ spent to raise $1 from 180,572 donors

Leadership & Focus info

255 staff + 1,131 volunteers + board of 8
To follow God's call to respond to human suffering and graduate communities from extreme poverty
Advocacy & Public Policy, Agricultural Development, Child Sponsorship, Church, Community Development, Disaster Relief, Discipleship, Economic Development, Education, Emergency Assistance, Evangelism, Food Provision, Human trafficking, Justice, Leadership Training, Microenterprise, Microfinance, Orphan Care, Persecution, Prayer, Reconciliation, Vocational Training, Water Provision/Purification
People Served
Abused, Babies, Believers, Children, Church Leaders, Community Leaders, Disaster/War Victims, Families/Married Couples, Homeless/Disenfranchised, Malnourished, Men, Minority Group(s), Orphans, Parents, Persecuted, Rural Poor, Sick People, Single Parents, Unevangelized, Unreached People Groups, Urban Poor, Women, Youth
22 (view list)



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