Cornerstone Restoration 2024 logo
Led by
John Otwell
HQ in
Austin, TX

Effectiveness & Efficiency info

What is the impact?
633 repair projects were conducted in 2021-2023, saving the most vulnerable and isolated invidividuals in the community over $1.2 million
Growth in last 3 years?
88% Growth in clients served
How is money spent?
$343,720 spent last fiscal year to serve 1,495 people
Is fundraising efficient?
0¢ spent to raise $1 from 125 donors

Leadership & Focus info

3 staff + 816 volunteers + board of 4
To restore hope to the vulnerable in the community. Through construction-based projects, our volunteers serve the physical and spiritual needs of the elderly, widows, single parents, children, veterans, disabled, and survivors of human trafficking or sexual exploitation so that God's love can be seen and experienced.
Other, Support Services, Housing, Community Development, Discipleship
People Served
Other, General Public, Human/Sex Trafficking Victims, Urban Poor, Widows, Single Parents, Minority Group(s), People with Disabilities, Substance Abusers, Elderly, Disaster/War Victims
2 (view list)



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