ChannelMom 2020 logo
Led by
Jenny Dean Schmidt
HQ in
Bailey, CO

Effectiveness & Efficiency info

What is the impact?
100% of 15 female inmates surveyed about their participation in the 2020 Prison Outreach pilot program agreed that the class further developed their parenting skills. 100% also agreed they would like to "work on strengthening characteristics that make me a better parent," in tandem with the organization's goal of helping mom inmates stop the cycle of incarceration from being passed down to their children
Growth in last 3 years?
105% Growth in clients served
How is money spent?
$29,810 spent last fiscal year to serve 65,504 people
Is fundraising efficient?
11¢ spent to raise $1 from 65 donors

Leadership & Focus info

3 staff + 12 volunteers + board of 9
To offer media and outreach to encourage moms, connecting them with resources and biblically-based inspiration in order to enhance their mothering, benefit their children and uplift their families
Media/Publishing, Rehabilitation/Rescue Mission, Discipleship, Mentoring/Tutoring, Relationship Coaching
People Served
Prisoners, Women, Single Parents, Parents, Homeless/Disenfranchised
1 (view list)



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