Catholic Charities 2022 logo
Led by
Andy Barton
HQ in
Colorado Springs, CO

Effectiveness & Efficiency info

What is the impact?
96% of families served through Family Connections progressed in at least one assessed domain and 85% of households served through the Castle Rock office reported progress on goals set with a case manager in fiscal year 2024
Growth in last 3 years?
49% decline, due to COVID
How is money spent?
$11,794,983 spent last fiscal year to serve 13,634 people
Is fundraising efficient?
7¢ spent to raise $1 from 2,411 donors

Leadership & Focus info

60 staff + 2,181 volunteers + board of 16
To affirm the value and dignity of all lives, build solidarity within the community, and advocate for justice for the poor and vulnerable, we humbly engage in the ministry of charity for those in both economic and spiritual poverty so that all – staff, volunteers, and clients – may fully achieve their God-given potential
Support Services, Counseling, Emergency Assistance, Vocational Training, Community Development, Healthcare, Food Provision, Housing
People Served
Homeless/Disenfranchised, Elderly, Families, Urban Poor
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