Amazon Outreach 2023 logo
Led by
Steve Trammell
HQ in
Plano, TX

Effectiveness & Efficiency info

What is the impact?
364 mission teams sent consisting of 7,242 individuals that assisted and shared the gospel with 300,000 people in 1,376 villages in Brazil since 1997
Growth in last 3 years?
14% decline in clients served, due to COVID
How is money spent?
$1,694,922 spent last fiscal year to serve 15,200 villagers
Is fundraising efficient?
0¢ spent to raise $1 from 1,268 donors

Leadership & Focus info

7 staff + 400 volunteers + board of 10
To mobilize mission teams to assist Brazilian churches in making disciples by sharing the love of Jesus along the Amazon River Basin
Evangelism, Water Provision/Purification, Discipleship, Healthcare
People Served
Unevangelized, Believers, Church Leaders, Unreached People Groups
1 (view list)

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