The Haitian Project 2023 logo
Led by
Marisa (Reese) Grondin
HQ in
North Kingstown, RI

Effectiveness & Efficiency info

What is the impact?
90% of the LCS alumni stay in Haiti to work or attend university, regularly going on to earn over 10x the average per capita income
Growth in last 3 years?
27% Growth in clients served
How is money spent?
$2,169,159 spent last fiscal year to serve 1,393 people
Is fundraising efficient?
19¢ spent to raise $1 from 1,024 donors

Leadership & Focus info

10 staff + 50 volunteers + board of 10
The Haitian Project through its support of Louverture Cleary Schools, a national network of tuition-free, Catholic, co-educational secondary boarding schools in Haiti, provides for the education of academically-talented and motivated students from Haitian families who cannot afford the cost of their children’s education in order to maximize their potential and enable them to work toward building a Haiti where justice and peace thrive.
Education, Community Development, Discipleship, Food Provision, Water Provision/Purification
People Served
Youth, Rural Poor, Urban Poor
1 (view list)



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