Led by
Dave Semmelbeck
HQ in
Colorado Springs, CO

Effectiveness & Efficiency info

What is the impact?
15 leaders served at Uganda training center in 2010 multiplied, now totalling approximately 3,000 trained in their various countries in 2017
Growth in last 3 years?
114% Growth in clients served
How is money spent?
$3,927,154 spent last fiscal year to serve 14,128 pastors and church leaders
Is fundraising efficient?
8¢ spent to raise $1 from 1,939 donors

Leadership & Focus info

37 staff + 2 volunteers + board of 10
To help the church fulfill the Great Commission by providing biblical training that results in the multiplication of servant leaders, with priority given to countries with limited access to training
Bible/Theology Education, Church, Discipleship, Leadership Training
People Served
Church Leaders, International Students
3 (view list)

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