Focus on the Family 2022 logo
Led by
Jim Daly
HQ in
Colorado Springs, CO

Effectiveness & Efficiency info

What is the impact?
508,000 babies have been saved from abortion through the Option Ultrasound program since 2004 and 80% of couples who participate in a Hope Restored marriage intensive are still married two years later
Growth in last 3 years?
26% Growth in clients served
How is money spent?
$135,973,618 spent last fiscal year to serve 32,337,794 people
Is fundraising efficient?
11¢ spent to raise $1 from 194,370 donors

Leadership & Focus info

661 staff + 106 volunteers + board of 14
To be led by the Holy Spirit in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible by nurturing and affirming the God-ordained institution of the family and proclaiming biblical truths worldwide
Adoption, Bible/Theology Education, Character Development, Counseling, Evangelism, Foster Care, Relationship Coaching, Sanctity of Life
People Served
Children, Families/Married Couples, Men, Parents, Unevangelized, Women, Youth
22 (view list)



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